Featured Successes

State of Vermont

Oracle Intelligent Advisor
• Policy Automation
• Business Rule
• Knowledge Management

Vermont’s Department of Health and Human Services maintains a massive legislative base to support social service healthcare programs that benefit nearly 25% of the population. To automate Medicaid and CHIP enrollment programs, Vermont turned to Monad Solutions.

Monad created a robust, sustainable business rule engine which calculated eligibility to each of Vermont’s 16 available programs and overall program eligibility hierarchically to ensure each applicant was enrolled in the top tier of benefits for which they were able.

Website: https://www.vermont.gov

Featured Successes

State of Vermont

• Oracle Intelligent Advisor
• Policy Automation
• Business Rule
• Knowledge Management

Vermont’s Department of Health and Human Services maintains a massive legislative base to support social service healthcare programs that benefit nearly 25% of the population. To automate Medicaid and CHIP enrollment programs, Vermont turned to Monad Solutions.

Monad created a robust, sustainable business rule engine which calculated eligibility to each of Vermont’s 16 available programs and overall program eligibility hierarchically to ensure each applicant was enrolled in the top tier of benefits for which they were able.

Website: https://www.vermont.gov

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